5G communication
5G millimeter wave AIP遠音 module
The product is a highly int家頻egrated 5g phased array antenna packag河話ing module. The module covers n258, 報務n257 and n261 frequency術你 bands. It has very high linear outp跳美ut power, efficiency an嗎日d integration. The a秒去ntenna array element s窗美pacing of the AIP module is λ跳雨/ 2. In higher EIRP app生著lications, multiple mo紅業dules can be used for splic友技ing and array formation日畫. It is applied to 5g s鐘不ystem in FR2 band with物遠 high reliability, low cost, high integ錯請ration and high data rate.
5G millimeter wave RF AIP 湖紙module
Millimeter wave phased array 我海antenna, beamforming, frequency conver錢票sion, zero if and beam control a開空re adopted Adaptive int制科egrated millimeter wave st區謝ation type and distributed millimete白醫r wave station type Integrated wi都南th advanced millimeter wave A鐘會IP module, industry-leading 們什EIRP, open and flexible interface視分 definition Compatible with Intel,熱家 flexran architecture NXP, arm答店 architecture and ASIC baseband, it is玩報 suitable for flexible be了如amforming configuration sch吃笑emes of various dry millimete劇男r wave base station type報離s (512 channels, 256 cha子校nnels, 128 channels an作現d 64 channels)
5G millimeter wave RR吃土U
The product is an indoor smal開城l base station equipment based on m秒說illimeter wave technology Use option7 花煙2 ecpri return interface Sup為雜porting SFP optical po雨明rt return is a low-cost solution to sol道地ve indoor coverage and incre生物ase network capacity
5G millimeter wave is expected to con近低tribute US $565 billion to global G長校DP by 2035, accounting for 25% of議輛 the total contribution of 5g麗嗎
5G millimeter wave is expected to co報從ntribute US $565 bill東知ion to global GDP by 2035, acco吃志unting for 25% of the total contributi銀路on of 5g
Comprehensively promote the co但麗nstruction of 5g network and accelerate物農 the large-scale deployment科家 of 5g independent N從遠etworking (SA)
Comprehensively promote the cons廠綠truction of 5g network and accel城請erate the large-scale大木 deployment of 5g independ生農ent Networking (SA)
5G NR millimeter wave IAB supports more門水 cost-effective intensive紙作 deployment
5G NR millimeter wave IA爸民B supports more cost-effec在票tive intensive deployment
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